Monday, September 4, 2017

Do we need to use Protractor ?

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.  And allows us to test application from the user's perspective.

Basically Protractor is wrapper over selenium WebDriver. (So you are inheriting all existing issues which are in open from WebDriver). 

One of the benefit of using protractor is that there is no need to add waits for synchronization as it is done automatically by Protractor.

If you are already using your established framework with explicit , fluent and other wait mechanisms you should be able to write the tests as the same how you have done for Non Angular applications. 

I hope it might be little easy to maintain and write tests for Angular using your frameworks as you are already expertise and familiar with your coding style, locator mechanism , tool set and issues. 

And  I don't see a reason 

  1. To completely change the way you are presently doing  (unless you have done some POC to see the difference with new tools).
  2. Spending time to learn,understand new set of tools.  (eg: Protractor,Mocha, Chai ,Jasmine,Reports etc.) 

And finally its all depended on your POC and comparisons with your existing tools/framework Pros and Cons.

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