Wednesday, August 3, 2011


1. Sun glow for a day, candle for an hour,Matchstick for a minute,Bt a gud day can glow with a SMILE. So start ur day with a SMILE. Have a nice day.

2.Every relationship is like a Cardiogram.. it always has an up and down graph. If its steady , it ends. So accept the ups and down in the life.

3.People say never expect anything from anyone. But the truth is when we really love someone, we naturally expect a little CARE and LOVE from them.

4.Some reasons make relationship precious, but precious relationships r made with No Reasons.. Keep those relations alive forever 4 the life time.

5.If you believe you can do something, then you can acquire the ability to do it even if you didnt have it in the beginning. so first we need TRUST.

6."Communication is the lifeline of any relationship." when you stop communicating, u start loosing ur valuable relationships, so be in touch..!

7.We should not judge a mans merit by his good qualities but by the way how he can use them. we r made richer and beautiful by the reflection of our thought and actions.

8.When you are in the right way u can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong way you can not afford to lose it.

9. Smile is the best credit card. bcoz it is Accepted worldwide, Auto reload, Unlimited Usage, No Payment, at all. Makes every one Happy.

10.Simple tips 2 play safe in the game of Life (a). Dont PROMISE when u r happy (b). Dont reply when ur ANGRY (c).Dont decide when ur r sad.

11. "Only a few people can feel the rain , others just get wet..!!." , "Only few people can feel the DIVINITY and VIBRATIONS, other just CASUAL"..!! :)

12.Everyday starts with some expectations. But Ends with some experience. That's Life.

13. Clock make sound as Tik Tik but listen carefully its not Tik Tik its real sound is Quick Quick , Because time is precious and never come again.

14.Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for those who bow themselves in front of hard work and confidence.

15.Best age is Encourage. Best mile is Smile, Best stand is Understand and Best End is Friend , Best day is today. Have every moment of everyday with NONSTOP SMILE.

16.When success is waiting for you, difficulties are blocking the path. Take the weapon of confidence and reach your success every day in your life.

17. The dangerous mistake in the life is the 1st LIE. It leads 2 many lies in order to manage it. ur not able 2 avoid it, even if u dont like, bcaz it beyond 2 u.

18.We have to pray God to provide all aminities to our neighours and enemies more than ourselves. Then the question of Gealous and Ego does not arise.  Only Happy.

19.Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. No one is born Happy. Bt all of us are born with the ability to create happiness.

20. We always feel that life of others is Better than us..! But, we always forget that we are also "Others" for someone else.

21. The greatest gift in life is to find someone who knows all ur faults,differences,mistakes and many more wrongs about you. But still sees the best in U.

22. Three words can narrate the best meaning of life "Expectation kills relation". The Right temperature in a relation is maintained by WARM HEARTS, NOT BY WARM HEADS.

23.Never blame anyone in your life, Gud people in give happiness, Bad people give Experience,Worst people give U A lesson, and Best people give u memories.


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