Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Support - India/COVID-19 Relief

The last few weeks in India was devastating and entire country is fighting with COVID.

Currently the country needs all your support for medical supplies, oxygen, beds and many more supplies/materials.

I request you to donate for this cause to any organizations (check the list below but not limited to) that is funding and providing support. Send me the screenshot to email: madanshelptogether@gmail.com that you have donated with your email-Id.

In return I will be giving free training for around 4hr on  the topics which I am having 21years of extensive experience. Core Topics are Test Automation and  Java-WebDriver. I hope this training will help any  Engineer who are already into test automation field or to get start with Automation career.

Will share the link (zoom/google-meet) between June 13th to June 18th and recording after the session.

Thank you All,


Madan Mohan Reddy Badveli.

Organizations List - I am aware of :

Sewa International - Donate for Sewa (sewausa.org)



Battling COVID-19 | Indian Red Cross Society

Please add organizations links which are supporting for the Covid Relief 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

WebDriver - Simple way to assert List values (Select List box)

Below is one of the simple and straight forward way to assert list of values. 

This is applicable when we want to validate table data or values from multiple webelements.

List<String> expectedData = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Madan","Blog"));

 List<String> optionValues = new ArrayList<>();

new Select(element).getOptions().stream().forEach(listOption -> optionValues.add(listOption.getText()));


Saturday, January 2, 2021

HackerRank 2D Array - DS